Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Aphids are still eating my pine tree. Jason poured the insecticide on the tree about ten days ago. I am so MAD!!! I must call the nursery and find out what else I can do. I usually am opposed to insecticides but I have to save my tree!

Other notes. My sunflowers are dead and/or dying but they attract TONS of birds in the morning. Which was why I had planted them. My cosmos still look great which is awesome. Everything is kind of going dormant. We did plant the new lilac from Mom and it is the biggest bush we have now. It looks great.

The neighbors put up a fence on our one side and we are stoked. I am going to watch and see how much shade it produces. We have had rain a lot this last week and that has been awesome. I have started to water the trees and bushes just once a week in prepping them for winter. I am interested to see if any of my plants "heave" which would be awesome and horrible at the same time. I need a few more bags of mulch to put all around the shrubs before the snow falls. I am debating about using straw since it is in abundance right now. And of course I am busily mentally preparing my next years garden. Even with all the bugs and whatever else went wrong this year, I am super excited for next year.

1 comment:

BigJason said...

You make it sound like you are mad at me for pouring the insecticide.