Monday, July 26, 2010


Here are some things on my mind grapes about the yard and garden.

I think we are watering too much. Most of the things in our garden/yard are good matches for our soil but it is hard to tell if they are getting all the water they need. I know the weeds have been getting enough water so the plants should be too right?

The grasshoppers are not as plentiful around our garden area but I have found a lot in the grass. While weeding with the kids the other day three green grasshoppers jumped out of the grass and Daniel shouted "Mom!!! Grasshoppers!!!" Thus I proceeded to squish one with my shoes and kill the other two with the spade. It was awesome.

So I sprayed some soapy water on the plants to help with bugs but I think my solution was too high on the soap. The leaves on some of the plants turned an odd color and when I sprayed them with water to wash off the soap bubbles were everywhere.

The ash tree that was doing poorly is recovering and we are so glad. The lawn is looking better considering it is July. The lilacs are struggling the most. The one has been eaten alive by bugs and has rust colored leaves. The other one is still dried out like crazy but I know it is getting water because I water. Any ideas?

I have been reading about weeds and xeroscaping and all sorts of gardening things. Slowly but surely I will be enlightened enough to kill things in the yard. Mostly I am hoping to kill the weeds with out killing my children or the things I want growing.

I pulled up the bean plant (I just had one), because I could not figure out what was wrong with it. The yellow pear tomato is the biggest plant I have ever seen. It has taken over the other plants next to it and has tons of babies, we are so excited. The peppers are not doing well, but not a big loss for us since we don't really eat them. The cantaloupe has tons of blooms but no fruit so in two weeks if it is not showing fruit I will pull it up.

We are thankful for the rain today. Daniel and I saw a bunny, frogs, and at least ten kinds of birds at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens today. I love that place.

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