Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The first week

Well I am pretty impatient. I go out and stare at the box that looks empty but clearly isn't because I know that I put in hundreds of carrot seeds, quite a few radishes and lots of onions. But still nothing is poking up in order to receive real sunlight. I did kind of get lazy by the time I planted the radishes so we will see what turns up there.

My box is broken. I am however optimistic that it will be fixed and fairly easily. My kids love dirt and come inside screaming and crying everyday. It is a chore to get them to come inside and eat. Hopefully when we lay sod in a few weeks we can just eat outside. Alice clings to her little pink shovel and at least three time an hour brings me my shoes, her shoes and her shovel and throws them in front of me and then sits and puts her feet up so I can shod her. Hilarious.

So far the dirt and rocks are winning. Hopefully some of my seeds will come through by Saturday. I can't wait.

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