Monday, June 11, 2012

My daughter Melanie and I started this blog to keep a journal of sorts on our gardening adventure.  The true is, we were so busy gardening and doing yard work we didn't do a very good job of blogging.  This year I am going to try to keep this one going. 

I have planted some pots already and worked the soil in my gardening boxes.  I have not set out all of my plants because Idaho weather is insane.  Last week it froze for several days.  I have learned my lesson being here six years and that is put tomatoes and cold sensitive plants out the first week of June.  Memorial Day week seems to be the last of the frost.  But, frost aside, the hailstorm did do some damage.  Plus, my dog ate three of my plants, cilantro, cucumber and part of a basil plant.  I am not sure why, but every year for seventeen years Daisy has destroyed a few garden plants.  She really old now and I hope that every season she is done doing her destruction.  I was proven wrong again. 

I also grew some seedlings indoors.  I am excited to get all of this finally in and going.  My pots are doing great and I have several heirloom tomatoes in big pots.  I love watching things grow and love working out doors.  That is why my indoors looks like it does.  We have a short growing season but the garden did well last year and I am hoping for better turnout for this year.

The funny thing is, I have two apple trees that are great.  However, one will bear so heavy one year and the other one very light.  Now they switched and the one that gave me a few apples last year is loaded and the other is light.  I think that apples do that as they get older.  Anyone have information on this let me know.  My raspberries are loaded with berries and I love seeing the bees out there doing their job.  Now, its weeding and a little pruning and waiting for the produce.  I am still planting and preparing boxes.  I can't go to a nursery or Home Depot or Lowes and not buy more plants.