Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gardening woes and woohoos

I love our garden. Here are some things I have learned already.

Square foot gardening is super easy and your garden looks really awesome. I love it and think I will (hopefully) add to my one box next year.

Radishes are not all that great. But they are fun to grow. We ended up throwing a lot of them away. It was much easier to do this than to throw out a tomato plant that I have no room for. Funny isn't it?

My kids love the garden. Daniel helped me thin the carrots. Alice helped by sitting on the echinacea and breaking it in half. Amazingly things still survive.

Our soil is so crummy. The clay wouldn't be nearly as bad if our soil wasn't about solid rock. All we do is dig up rocks. So if anyone ever needs rocks please just come and take them. We have learned lots of good tricks though. Pick axes are much better than shovels around here. Our neighbors lent us this huge iron bar that you smash into the ground and it helps with digging huge holes. We are exciting to get our own huge iron bar. It is absolutely amazing to me that things survive in this clay soil. We are waiting anxiously to see how our plants manage. So far most things look pretty good.

So far we have four different kinds of trees planted, butterfly bushes, raspberries, boxwood, dogwood, forsythia, cotoneaster, lilacs, and a bunch of herbs and a few flowers. We are awaiting the emergence of our sunflower seeds. It has been hard to plant the seeds since it is always windy or raining. Daniel loves shoving the seeds into the ground. He is the best helper. Until he tries to dig up and move all the topsoil, then he is a bad helper.

Here are a few things we are managing and learning to manage. Weeds. The lawn and mushrooms on the lawn. How to deal with empty lots all around us. Wind. So more on these subjects to come.

On a good note. Our seven different tomatoes are doing awesome as are our peas, carrots, peppers and onions. The basil in the garden looks a little sad but hopefully will snap out of it. We are really hoping for at least one super fantastic cantaloupe this summer. Only one bean seed came up but I think that is great considering we left for Hawaii two days after I planted them so when the neighbor kids watered the garden they thought that box was empty and ceased to water it. Maybe I will go stick another few seeds in there. I love green beans.

Recent health findings in our family has made eating healthy a top priority for the year. I am excited that our garden can help us with these new goals.